ubuntu has been out there for a while and i upgraded it one week ago. it seems not that stable so far. system has crashed couple times and it always freezes. i have to run the tty1 and manually kill -9 the application seem to cause the problem. still unclear what the reasons are. the freeze is seen as the screen or the application specifically dimmed in lightness went to Ubuntu forum, got something like this below. Ubuntu 9.10 freezes Quote:
Although my system crashes (reboots) as well as freezes, and it does so far more often than once a day and not always when Firefox is running. It's the worst issue I've ever had to deal with in Linux. | |
Boston Dynamics 的机器犬这回要来致敬 Rolling Stones 的 MV 舞步
Boston Dynamics 的犬型机器人 Spot 这回要来致敬 Rolling Stones 滚石乐队在 1981 年推出的《Start Me
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3 years ago
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