Apport is a debugging tool that automatically generates crash reports.
In the final Ubuntu 12.04 release, Apport seems to be enabled by
default (unlike in the previous Ubuntu versions) and at least on my
system, I keep getting "Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error" popups, which can't be reported, a few times a day (Apport bug already reported).
To get rid of
these annoying Apport popups, you can disable Apport, especially since
most of the time there are no visible errors / crashes anyway. Sure,
this won't solve the actual errors, but at least you won't get those
frequent Apport "internal system error" dialogs anymore.
To disable Apport, you need to edit "/etc/default/apport" with a text editor such as Gedit (as root):
sudo gedit /etc/default/apport
and change "enabled" from "1" to "0", then save the file.
You can always re-enable it later on
if you want, by changing "enabled" from "0" back to "1", or you can
enable Apport temporarily, using the following command:
sudo service apport start force_start=1
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