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[virtual box] HOWTO: Use Shared Folders

Monday, March 22, 2010

HOWTO: Use Shared Folders

Postby Sasquatch » 27. Mar 2009, 21:14
After installing the Guest Additions, you can use the Shared Folders Functionality. To access them, you have to define at least one in the VM settings. Open the VM Settings and go to Shared Folders. You can define them there. Click on the Add button and browse for a folder you want to share. Make sure that the name of the share doesn't contain any illegal characters like white spaces. Keep the name as simple as possible. In this howto, I will use the name share.

Now that you have defined a SF, it's time to mount it. Boot the Guest and open a terminal. Create a folder where you will mount it on. E.g. in your home folder. I will use ~/host for the mount point.
Now mount it with the following command:
Code: Select all   Expand viewCollapse view
sudo mount -t vboxsf share ~/host

Note that with this, the default mount options are used and all files are owned by root. This can be changed by adding some mount options. Options are passed on with the -o parameter. You can use multiple options with one parameter, seperate the values with a comma. See the man page of mount for more info on which options you can use. The User Manual also notes the options compatible with the Shared Folders. To mount the SF so that you are the owner of the files, use this command:
Code: Select all   Expand viewCollapse view
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 share ~/host

If you want to have it mount automatically upon each boot, put the mount command in /etc/rc.local (Debian based distro's), or whatever script is run at the end of the boot process. The Shared Folders service should mount them automatically, but that doesn't always happen.
Using /etc/fstab has little effect, because that file is processed before the SF module is loaded and will fail to mount the share. Sometimes, the share does get mounted because the GA check for it when they are loaded upon boot, but it's very flaky, meaning it doesn't work most of the time. You're better of with the first option.
When you put the mount command in /etc/rc.local, so it's mounted at startup, you can't use the short notation for your home folder. During startup, everything is done through the root user, so using ~ for home, means it's the home folder of Root (/root). Change it to the full path. For example:
Code: Select all   Expand viewCollapse view
mount -t vboxsf share /home//host

Q: I get a protocol error when mounting.
Q: I get the error /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device.
A: You mount the SF on a mount point with the same name as the share itself, change the name or mount point.
A: You're sharing a personal folder like your Home Folder (Linux), or My Documents (Windows) on the Host. Define a new share, like a sub folder.

Q: I get an error "Unexpected error: Text file busy." when trying to edit a file.
A: When using gedit, this can happen on shared folders. This is a bug in gedit, not VB. Use a different editor.
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Howto: Install Linux Guest Additions + Xorg config
Howto: Use Shared Folders
Try searching the forums first with Google and add the site filter for this forum.
E.g. install guest additions site:forums.virtualbox.org

M.I.T. Researchers Create Molecular Chips

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Before you read on, take a guess what the image above might be. Go on, I’ll wait.
Nope, it’s not a fence seen from above, or a close-up photo of some spaghetti.
It’s a magnified picture of a computer chip made up of hundreds of tiny molecules.
As devices continue to get smaller, universities and private technology companies have continued to build smaller computer chips. But the miniaturization techniques they currently use, which date back more than 50 years, are reaching their limits and may not continue to work for much longer.
To keep technology moving forward, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new technology using what they call “copolymers” that will allow chip manufacturers to take molecules and arrange them into complex patterns on silicon chips.
Karl Berggren, an associate professor of electrical engineering, describes the copolymer technique with an analogy from the movie “Midnight Run,” in which a bounty hunter and white-collar criminal “are handcuffed together but can’t stand each other.” Mr. Berggren explains that the molecules make an attempt to stay away from each other and “arrange themselves into predictable patterns.”
In the past, the idea of self-assembling molecular chips would require a place for the molecules to go, sometimes including a trench etched into the chip. This new technique uses what researchers call “hitching posts,” which give the molecules somewhere to attach to make the needed shapes.

Apple Hires Wearable Computing Engineer

Head-mounted apple displaysU.S. Patent & Trade Office An image from an Apple patent for a head-mounted display.
Apple has hired Richard DeVaul, a veteran of the wearable computing field and co-founder of AWare Technologies, a technology company focused on creating products for the fitness and “wellness” markets.
According to Computerworld, Mr. DeVaul will be a senior prototype scientist at Apple, presumably working on some of the technologies he discusses on his blog:
I’m an expert in signal processing and real-time statistical classification techniques. This means that I know how to make tiny computers do “thin slicing,” as popularized in Malcolm Gladwell’s “Blink.” It’s all about extracting the small pieces of information that are most meaningful.
What does this work mean for us mere mortals? According to Mr. DeVaul’s LinkedIn page, he received a Ph.D. in media arts and sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and while there worked on a project called “The Memory Glasses,” which offered real-time memory support that could “improve your performance on a memory recall task by a factor of about 63 percent without distracting you.”
In other words, these fancy glasses could probably help you remember where you left your car keys.
While at M.I.T. he also worked directly with Professor Alex Pentland in the Human Dyanmics group. This group works on the intersection of humans and technology, and using sensors and the data that these wearable devices can share, to try to predict human behavior.
Although wearable computers are not necessarily a new idea, Apple helped push the concept further into the mainstream in 2006 when it partnered with Nike to introduce the Nike+ line of sneakers. This product wirelessly connects to an iPod and tracks the distance and pace of a person’s run.
There’s no telling what’s next for Apple and this market. Maybe we’ll finally see a pair of wearable iPod glasses based on a series of 2008 patents for head-mounted displays. Or maybe the company will try to create new additions to the iPhone by offering attachments and sensors. One thing’s for sure, these technologies will continue to spread into our clothing, sneakers and maybe even our glasses.

how to improve your CORE 2 DUO processors in Ubuntu

Monday, March 1, 2010

Changing the default 'generic' kernel to 'server' kernel

If you install Ubuntu from the live cd or alternate install cd, the 'generic' kernel would be installed by default. The 'generic' kernel focuses on i586 and i686 CPU architectures. But if you have a newer CPU, like Pentium 4 HT, Dual Core or Core2Duo, you might want to install the 'server' kernel to improve your PC performance. The 'server' kernel focuses on i686 architectures and posses some unique advantages over 'generic' kernel in case of task management.

Note that you should not change the default kernel if you don't have a CPU that belong in the families stated above. And also be aware of the fact that kernel changing might cause big problems in your computer [such as making the system unstable!].

Here is the complete walkthrough of changing your kernel:

1. Disable any proprietory video card driver that you are using. You must do this, otherwise your computer could not start X after enabling the new kernel.

2. Open Synaptic package manager and select the following packages for installation
  • linux-server
  • linux-headers-2.6.24-17-server
  • linux-headers-server
  • linux-image-2.6.24-17-server
  • linux-image-server
  • linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-server
  • linux-restricted-modules-server
  • linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-17-server
3. Now install these packages by clicking 'Apply'

4. Restart your computer upon completation of download and installation

5. From System > Administration > Hardware Driver menu, enable the proprietory video card driver that you have disabled previously. You might have to restart your PC again.

6. Its all done. You can check your kernel version by typing 'uname -r' in the terminal.

You might want to uninstall the old generic kernel packages to free up your hard drive space. In that case, open Synaptic package manager and mark these packages for complete removal:

  • linux-generic
  • linux-headers-2.6.24-17-generic
  • linux-headers-generic
  • linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic
  • linux-image-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-generic
  • linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-17-generic
After uninstalling these packages, restart your computer. Now you won't see option for 'generic' kernel boot in the GRUB.





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(2) 在全球范围内有25万客户。

(3) 每年有6千万美金的在线销售额。

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(7) 公司的目标:创建全球最大的在线广告平台,创建全球顶级的搜索引擎。

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(10) 我们是以优惠广告客户的身份加入进来,首先要购买$2000的广告空间,用以刊登我们自己的广告。同时,你可以得到公司其它产品的免费使用,可以免费下载使用公司的各种培训,可以免费销售公司的产品并赚取收入,可以免费利用公司提供的资源去建立自己的网上生意。

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(15) 这个生意利用互联网,可以做到任何一个国家,任何一个城市。让你的收入真正来自世界各地。

(16) 可以利用本公司提供的全球通用的现金卡,方便地在世界各地付账,提款。资金流非常顺畅。

(17) iNETGlobal不仅为全球客户提供了宣传自己,提高自己知名度的机会和平台,还为人们推广介绍这个机会和平台,提供了简单快速的赚钱机会。真是两全其美。

(18) 对于做网络的精英和执着者,公司提供了施展其领袖才能的机会和赚大钱的机会。

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(20) 公司的奖金发出率(payout)为70%,30%为公司的利润。公司老板公开承诺:公司的利润是作为公司的发展即做为市场的拓展,技术的开发,以及人才的引进来支出的。绝不会投入到金融市场和房地产市场。公司是稳健发展的,从公司的创立到现在的发展足以证明。

(21) 公司的各个部门是紧密关联的,不是各自独立的松散体。因此,实力雄厚。

(22) 公司严格按照直销法运行,并聘用安利,美安,优莎娜公司的律师为法律顾问。律师之一是:Grimes/Reese.其网站是:www.mlmlaw.com

(23) 这个公司最大的特点就是赚钱:快,稳,大,久。不需要再掏钱进行重复消费,没有财力的压力;不需要销售能力,因没有有形的产品;不需要组织能力,因没有人员的走掉。

(24) 我们的优势:网际网络和人际网络和在线广告业完美的结合。三赢。不需要每月从腰包里掏钱,减轻了每月的财务压力;不需要销售能力,因为没有有形的的货物可以销售;不需要组织能力,因为进来的人的不会走掉。

(25) 同时,公司的十年稳定发展;系统的完善培训,团队的紧密合作。也是利益的有力保障。

(26) 近期公司将三个网站合而为一,便于生意的开展。












